The Bahamas

Living in the Bahamas can be an exciting and enriching experience, but there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure a smooth transition and comfortable life.

Getting Started

By doing your research and planning ahead, you can have a successful and fulfilling experience in this beautiful country. Here are some factors to consider.


What is required? 

To reside in The Bahamas for period of more than 90 days, a foreign national must make an application to The Bahamas Government Department of Immigration. 


What to keep mind? 

 Now that you have secured your resident or work permit, purchase your tickets, and are ready to pack, be careful of import duties. One may wish to bring personal goods from their home countries; however, beware this may be costly.


What to consider? 

The cost of accommodation will probably take the lion share of your budget! The Bahamas has a competitive real estate market and serves as a popular destination for many second-home owners and Bahamians themselves.



What should you expect? 

 Moving throughout The Bahamas is relatively seamless.  There are 20 international airports in The Bahamas, which accept regularly scheduled flights from all around the world.



What should you know? 

The Bahamas is best known for its sun (warm weather all year around), sand (stunning beaches) and sea (bountiful marine life). It has some of the friendliest people in the world.


Financial Services

How to get organized?

The Bahamas is one of the world’s premier international financial centers. The country’s history of political and social stability, a parliamentary democracy for over 50 years, has fostered a strong financial services industry.

School Search

What are your options? 

Every parent or prospective parent thinking about moving to the Bahamas has one immediate concern: will my child receive
an excellent education there? You want to make sure your children receive the best education possible, whether it is for Pre–K or high school. Is it wise to concentrate on private institutions, or is The Bahamas’ public education system sufficient?

Health Care

Where to go? 

The Bahamas’ public healthcare system is governed by the Public Hospitals Authority. Children, senior citizens over 60, pregnant women, and members of the public all have free access to healthcare.

National Insurance

How it works?

The National Insurance Board (NIB) is the entity tasked with overseeing the social security program. Its main goal is to replace lost income due to illness, incapacity, maternity, retirement, death, industrial accident, or job loss.

Other Insurances

What will you need?

There are several insurance plans offering in The Bahamas. However, there are 3 main plans to consider. Depending on your needs and the degree of coverage, pricing can fluctuate widely.



How are you taxed?

The Bahamas is a tax friendly environment, but it’s a mistake to think that The Bahamas is a tax-free jurisdiction. Every government must find ways of paying expenses. The Bahamas government is no exception.

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